DSP Construction Group consists of bespoke construction companies which operate solely as construction management service providers to Aldi Stores Limited throughout the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

We acknowledge and accept our responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We are committed to ensuring that no acts of Modern Slavery or associated practices ever knowingly form any part of our business; or that of our supply chain.
‘Modern Slavery’ is a term used to describe issues such as labour exploitation, forced labour, human trafficking and associated practices such as debt bondage, passport holding, and other such breaches of an individual’s basic human rights. Such abuses have no place in our business or supply chain.
As a Group we will:

  • Always endeavour to source goods and services from economic areas ranking as low risk on ‘The Global Slavery Index’ (http://www.globalslaveryindex.org). In the event procurement is required from higher risk areas we shall ensure due diligence is performed to avoid Modern Slavery issues
  • Only deal with bona fide organisations
  • Always require that an individual’s UK right to work information is confirmed as a matter of course
  • Always require that an individual’s evidence of training and competence is confirmed before starting work on every project
  • Always require that our suppliers and contractors notify us as soon as they become aware of any instance of Modern Slavery or Labour Exploitation taking place in in any part of their businesses or within their supply chain
  • Never work with any entity that is knowingly involved with any Modern Slavery practices

As part of our monitoring strategy, please be aware that everyone working on a DSP Group site, not directly employed by one of our companies, may be required to provide evidence of identification and UK right to work including:

  • Confirmation of address
  • Passport or Home Office approved alternative
  • A valid contract of employment
  • Details of the bank account into which their wages will be paid

We advocate the use of the Modern Slavery Helpline (0800 121 700) in the event of any Modern Slavery concerns.

We intend to foster openness and dialogue with our employees, those working on behalf of DSP Construction Group, and our client on Modern Slavery issues. This policy will be made available to any interested party on request.

We will review and communicate this policy annually.

You can view and download the policy by clicking below:

Anti-Slavery Policy